Smokeless Smudging Mist: An alternative to Sage Cleansing.
Use this Smokeless Smudging Mist to Cleanse yourself, your home and your tools.
Dark Glass Spray Bottle
1 Small Clear Quartz Crystal. (Used to infuse your moon-water/spring water ahead of time.)
Crystal-infused Moon-Water (Or Spring Water)
Essential Oils (and their relevant qualities)
25 Drops Sage – Healing, Protecting, Empowering, Cleansing and Removing Negativity
15 Drops Cedarwood – Cleansing, Healing, Purifying and Protecting. Guards against all Negative Influences and Dark Energy/Thoughts
10 Drops Lavender – Cleansing, Empowering, Prevents Negative Energy
Add all the oils to your glass bottle.
Fill the rest of the bottle up with your Crystal-infused water.
Shake to mix all ingredients together.
Shake well prior to each use. Store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight.
Cleansing Yourself
Have an intention. Set it clearly in your mind.
Lightly spray the mist on you and around you. Avoiding your eyes.
Cleansing Your Home
Spritz the mist as you walk around the room slowly. Focus on cleansing and clearing all negative energy. Make sure you spray in corners, behind doors and closets. Please use caution around pets.
You may also find it helpful to speak an incantation, a thought or chant during cleansing. An example for this would be: “ Cleanse and bless this home and hearth. Drive away all harm and fear, So that only good may dwell in here.”