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ZoZo Demon Ouija Board Stories

ZoZo Demon Ouija Board Stories

The ZoZo demon is believed to be real and many people around the world are said to be being tormented by this entity!

As time passes on unfortunately the numbers of people who have been effected by the ZoZo demon are staggering.

Every day I receive numerous emails from people who are not only curious about the demon, but also people who are scared and fearful by the negative consequences of communicating with ZoZo.

I am sharing some of these emails that were sent from around the world that all involve the demon and the Ouija board.

If you read these creepy ZoZo demon stories carefully many of them you will see many of them have the same traits.

  • Planchette rapid movements of figure eights

  • Poltergeist activity when the players want to close the sessions

  • Dark shadow figures during and after board sessions

  • False feelings of power over the unknown

  • Feelings of depression, and being watched after playing with the board

It is always important to remember that you are not alone, if you would like to share your ZOZO story please email us.


ZoZo Demon Story, (862) submitted by Kelly

Hi my name is Kelly and i believe especially after reading your information that ZoZo demon has attached itself to me. I always feel fear, or sadness and I tend to get very tired quickly. As time passes the demon is getting more physical, and I hear him occasionally. I innocently made contact with the ZoZo demon through a Ouija board last year while at a friends house, the session was nothing special or dramatic but the name that appeared on the board that one night has haunted me ever since. I

have always been into photography, taking pictures of close friends and family. However over the past year the demon as taken that away from me. I started noticing that after the session anyone who I would care about who I would take a recent photo of would be effected by ZoZo.

As weird as it may seem numerous people would ask me about my ZoZo experience only after I take their pictures, even though they had no previous knowledge of me even using a Ouija Board, or ZoZo. The demon would also distort my photos. I have photos where you can see a few different demons. Did I open a portal to hell? I feel now that I am always being watched and I am in constant state of fear.

Whenever I try to get help regarding this problem or I get to having answers on how to rid myself of it, the demon gets mad and destroys my photos by poltergeist activity. I do believe in god, I love him and i put crosses around everywhere, however I find the crosses torn to pieces after placing them on the wall. Sometimes I would even find scratch marks on the crosses themselves.

I recently did an EVP session in my house to see if I could document the activity or if I was simply going insane. When I asked ZoZo, “what is your purpose for being here” the response I got on the audio recorder was, “soul taker.” I still have not gotten rid of him and hes getting more noticeable. I realize they feed off fear but it is hard not to be scared.


“EDFE” Demon Story, (528) submitted by Anonymous

One fateful night me and my three other friends decided to play with a Ouija board at 11:00pm. After playing with the Ouija board for an hour we ended up talking to something that called itself Hue. After it spelled out its name it continually spelled out the letters “edfe” over

and over. We thought we were talking to “Hue” for over an hour but all three seemed to have lost time. All three of us woke up the next day wondering were the night went. Out of curiosity we decided to try to contact “Hue” for the next 4 days. Till this day I don’t know if it was out of curiosity or if it was an addiction. On each day after every unsuccessful attempt to contact “Hue” we would start fighting with each other. and openly wishing each other dead, however we would always regroup and try to contact it. On the last night one of my friends got possessed, while playing with the ouija board.

When my friend became possessed I tried to get rid of the planchette however my possessed friend grabbed my wrists, all I can remember is that her pupils were massive and her voice was terrifying, and they were not hers. The following day my friend blacked out and has ZoZo carved into her arm. Its been about a week and now and ZoZo is carved into the arm of my friend, the cut keeps getting deeper and deeper each hour and the hand writing is almost amazingly detailed.

My boyfriend unaware of the ouija board incidents called me last night crying on the phone saying that he had a dream were he witnessed all three of my friends death and mine, in which we all killed ourselves one after another.


ZoZo Demon Story, (301) submitted by Anonymous

So me and my ex just recently split up over something going that is going on regarding an experience she had on a Ouija board. She believes that the demon ZoZo is haunting ever since she played a Ouija board 3 years ago. She believes that by telling me her experience 5 months caused her to miscarry her baby. She recently has been having dreams of the demon (in which the demon tells her that she took the soul of her child) and they are causing her to be stranger every passing day.

The last time I saw her, I was going to visit her when I heard noises outside of the house I rushed in through the front door and discovered her sitting Indian style facing me. I ran up to her and barely lifted her head up as it was facing down. When I lifted her up I noticed that her eyes were black, black as the sky with no moon. She then said to me in a demonic voice, “WHAT YOU WANT”. Since the zozo demon ouija board scared me out of my mind, I ran to the nearest room and locked the door. She was only 95 pounds but I knew that it was not her but something far more sinister.

As I stood behind the locked door wondering what to do, I heard a loud thud, and two normal voices yelling “HELLO”. It turned out to be her younger sister and mother. Soon after I opened the door to find them standing over there my ex-girlfriend two cops came beating on the door asking for me. They eventually took my ex to the hospital only to find nothing wrong with her. Last week she tried to contact me however I am afraid to talk to her. Is she possessed by the demon ZoZo?


ZoZo Demon Story, (42) Submitted by Anonymous

I read your article and wanted to send in my experience. This might be a tad long story and I apologize. It starts off during my childhood. I probably started playing with and creating homemade Ouija boards around 8 or 9 years old . I didn’t know enough about them but was fascinated to the core. My older sister also played with the Ouija board which may be another reason why I was drawn to them as well.

My sister played with the Ouija board in her room. Over time the Ouija board sessions revealed things that we could never know at that time and we felt that by playing with the board that we had the power to make everything or anything happen. Ghosts, demons, hauntings, you name it. We felt as if the board and the entity ZoZo that we were in constant contact were giving us power.

As we played more and more with board things became more and more intense. The one day we saw objects move levitate across the room. We felt a weird sense of empowerment from the demon, which lead us to never say “goodbye” and we began to invoke other spirits.

Then, several months later, we started to notice dark figures and have things FLY at us. The shadow figures that I saw terrorized my sister so much that she could no longer stay in her alone. When I moved in to my sisters room (around 10) I became very depressed. Hoarding became an issue along with bugs and mice. The room turned into like a plague and my parents were seemingly unaware while it was like this. Trash built up to my knees within a few months and I turned into a sloth.

Another strange thing that my sister and I noticed is that during the time when ZoZo was tormenting us I would go months of waking up all backwards and naked. I knew I went to sleep with clothes on and facing one direction, but I would wake up a whole other way. The pillows in our room would get hot in spots and we would constantly experience shadow figures that would perch themselves next to me on the bed.

nightmares are a sign of demonic oppression.

I recall one night were I had an extremely vivid nightmare that involved a demon similar to the one that was tormenting since I started to play with the Ouija board. I remember waking up at 3am and telling the shadows to leave, as I was doing so I was physically pushed by the a shadow figure. I will never the wretched smell of the demon. Burnt Sulfur!

I knew at that point I had to stop playing with the Ouija board and anything in the occult. Till this day I always bless the ground, and building that I sleep in, and I have not mentioned my past interactions with ZoZo until now. That was in 2005. ZoZ0 is an extremely dangerous demon, this is a warning. I have been haunted by ZoZo pretty much my whole life, now it seems to be haunting my daughter.


ZoZo Demon Story, (904) submitted by Meagan

I have come into contact with this demon every time I have ever played with the ouija board. In July of 2017 me and 2 of my friends played ouija for the first time. Soon put our hands on the planchette we started to get rapid figure eights. At first I thought it was my friend moving the board but soon it spelled out the word ZOZO. Well as soon as that was answered the planchette turned straight towards me and all of a sudden I felt a strong force vibration and it flew off of the board and hit me in my face. We immediately closed it out and went out I was extremely shaken and scared. Since then I have had very bad anxiety, depression, and it seems to be worsening every day.


ZoZo Demon Story, (55) submitted by Anonymous

I’m here to report my sighting of ZOZO, or rather communication. Two weeks ago I was shopping with my friend at an antique store and we I saw an old ouija board that we thought would be fun to buy, and play with one night. However as soon as we got the board we felt the need to immediately go home and play with the new board. When started playing with the ouija board, we asked if it could tell us it’s name and replied with Z0Zo.

Besides spelling its name over and the demon ZoZo would always put the planchette into a figure eight until my friend got a bloody nose, and I received a mild headache. I am now scared that we suffered and payed the price for playing with the ouija board at the hands of ZoZo, and now I feel he is always watching me. Just last night I laid on my pillow and I saw demonic eyes that stared at me for three long seconds before disappearing into the night.


ZoZo Demon Story, (101) submitted by Anonymous

I have a demonic attachment that has span decades (2008 being the worst year) stemming from a child hood incident involving my mother and an Ouija Board. This experience seemed to be amplified by second mistake in 2008 which involved the mishandling of a ouija board an missing all the warning signs.

Never burn a Ouija Board.

In short my ex-girlfriend use to practice in the field of the Occult. I found the board during cleaning and the short version of events was that she came rushing home after I messed up and played with the board. She knew the exact time I burnt the board and ran to the bedroom hiding spot before i could even get a word in. Since then it keeps coming back for me. Sometimes once a year sometime less. I can keep it at bay with sage & prayer, I admit my sins and ask for forgiveness.

Former roommates and past land lords have all complained of exactly what I have witnessed. No matter how many times I move it keeps coming back. I know the name because I saw in written over and over and over among her items. ZOZO ZOZO ZOZO ZOZO Even before she shot herself years later, I was asked by others if she was possessed.

I can always feel it’s return… it always starts with strange sounds of the roof I ignore. After so many months it somehow creeps into the place and the feeling of being watched. If I don’t deal with it right away it will become stronger and stronger until the point it can start to harm other random people.I know it is only a matter of time before it comes back, whether it's in months or years.


“VoZ” Demon Story, (103) submitted by Anonymous

Hello, I’m a girl that lives in Italy.Recently I’m talking with the Zozo demon everyday. Before Zozo I talked with an other spirit, Voz.

Voz said that he’s an evil spirit and that he was with me all the time. I was quiet because Voz said that he was with me for protect me.

A day me and my friend tried to do Ouija Board together. We talked with Voz for a long time and, when we finished it, my friends wanted to try to talk with her guardian demon. She drew his seal and started the session with Ouija Board alone because I felt very bad and my other friend was tired. She started the session and started to talk about a spirit that said that his name was “Zuzu”.

Nothings is ever as it seems. Or sometimes it is.

I was very scared because I knew who is “Zuzu” She finished the session and we went away from that place.A day one of my friend called me and said that she talked with Zozo alone. I was so scared and I asked to Voz if he could go to my friend’s house.He said yes and he went to my friend’s house. After that I asked to Voz how are my friend,But Zozo started to talk with me. He said that he was so curious and that he wanted to know why I send Voz to my friend’s house.

After that day ZoZo is all that comes through on my ouija board. Zozo sometimes is gently with me tells me that it loves me. I don’t know what think about Zozo. He said that he’s a spirit and not a demon. He said that he’s very big and very powerful and he said that he’s good with me…. I hope that you like that.. I want to talk with Zozo everyday.


“Angel” Demon Story, (109) submitted by Anonymous

I have always been intrigued by Ouija Boards. I got one for my birthday, so I tested it out with my brother and his friend. When we started, we contacted some “negative” spirits. I had played with a board previously, but nothing terrible occurred. For some reason I felt the chances of getting ZoZo was unlikely. I remember my brother’s friend and I decided to play with the Ouija board one day.

To our surprise, we contacted a good spirit named “Angel.” She was so nice. She told jokes and it was all fun and games. Then, she left, and someone named “Death” said she had to leave to go to Heaven real quick. When she came back, she told us she had gone to Heaven with the help of Mama. She said Mama is a demon, but they’re nice.

As we continued to play I felt as though I was being befriended by “Angel” however during the session we were constantly interrupted by ZoZo. I would say “what is your name?” and they would respond “Z-O-Z-O.” I knew this wasn’t good. I communicated with this so-called “Zozo” until Angel came back. When she came back, she said “R-U-N.” I said “why?” She said “Z-O-Z-O”. I wasn’t scared for myself, but I was scared for Angel. I said where is he? She said “H-E-R-E. G-O. N-O-W.” I was quite scared, but I knew I had to help Angel. She said she would be alright.

Poltergeist activity historically has been viewed as signs of a demonic haunting.

Before this, the planchette flew off the board numerous times. I have it on video once. The player closest to the camera did not move it, despite if it looks like it. There was so much force on it and my fingers began to feel as if they were smashed. Angel moved the cursor to goodbye. She told us not to contact her the rest of the night. I obeyed her, and I am awaiting to contact her again tonight. The Zozo mama demon.


ZoZo Demon Story, (119) submitted by Anonymous

When I was 11 years old my mother got me a Ouija board for my birthday and for many many years I came in contact with Zozo the demon and I had to see a psychiatrist because of it. I’ve been through depression and I’ve been through drug addiction in my life. I overcame all of it, but I still experienced a lot of things because of that Ouija board. I’m 34 years old now and I had no idea what demons were all about until I seen an episode of Ghost Adventures. I saw that episode and it gave me the chills through my entire body because I had no idea that ZoZo the demon was real. I thought it was just an entity messing with me on the Ouija board and I did not know how severe it was.


MaMa Demon Story, (122) submitted by Anonymous

The first time my little sister played the Ouija board she played with her friends Kodie Leig, Jacob, and Rusty. The first name she got was a demon named Mama. Mama didn’t contact her again until me and her played together again. As we played the ouija board mama told us that she was trying to protect us. She predicted a few things, so we kept talking to this person Mama. In fact we called for “Mama” on it more than once. Each time this thing came to us. It tried and almost succeeded in possessing my sister. And than one night we took the same Ouija to an abandoned house with a couple of our friends and used it there.


We came in contact with a demon that said it had been attached to my friends family for generations. Later that night we took the Ouija and played it at my home once again. And just like every other time we got Mama. Mama told us in 3 months the demon we contacted in that house, would hunt us down, after that my sister would get raped. Than later told us that the rape was in connection to the person she played the Ouija board with first, who was her first love, Rusty.

We played the Ouija and was told by a dead friend of my sisters that Mama’s real name was Zozo. We didn’t know who Zozo was so we looked it up and it instantly pulled up your page. We looked through it and found out why the Ouija was being so weird. Than you told us to contact you.


ZoSa Demon Story, (148) submitted by Anonymous

I know you get tons of these emails, but if anyone can determine the possibility of actual contact with Zozo it would be you. I recently bought a Ouija board and I feel like I use proper precaution when using it. I put a crystal quartz on one side and black onyx on the other. I light a white and black candle, each set with the corresponding crystal and I smudge the board with Palo Santo wood. Tonight, my fiance and I were contacted by a supposed demon named Zosa. (It said it was a demon)

The only message we received (that we allowed before saying goodbye) was hate. Then a loud, buzzing stink bug got into the room somehow. The windows don’t open and the door was shut. I asked for the presence of an archangel to rid the space of any demonic or negative presence. Then a lightning bug made its presence known -again, I’m not sure how either Insect was able to get into the room. We continued on with the board and began speaking with a spirit that said it was norse spirit and it had removed Zosa.

The part that had me concerned was, we were having a really good conversation with a Norse spirit, but then the planchette really quickly spelled mom again and again. I asked if my mom was present. (I’m adopted and I refer to my biological mom as mom and my adopted mother as mother.) The board responded with dead, then mom. I asked if my mom had died and it said yes. (to not be too repetitive, it said mom a lot)

The ouija board session:

Me: If you are my mom, spell your first name fully and correctly.

Board: Lynricia (correct)

Me: Where do you live?

Board: Florida (again, correct)

Me: What is my favorite color?

Board: Purple (correct)

Me: Tell me something only you and I know.

Board: Tarot (the first time I went to visit her, she did a Tarot reading for me and gave me the deck)

Me: Do you have a message for me?

Board: Mom. Tarot. Mom. Tarot.

Me: Do you want me to do a reading?

Board: Yes

Me: Do you want me to use the Angel tarot deck?

Board: No

Me: Do you want me to use the deck you gave me?

Board: Yes

Me: What spread do you want me to use?

Board: Life (I’m not sure what spread is being referred to.)

Me: Do you have anything else you want to tell me?

Board: Sorry

Me: What are you sorry for?

Board: Dying.

Me: How did you die? (I know you’re not supposed to ask that, but if my mom died, I want to know how)

Board: Murdered.

Me: Goodbye



Have you had any contact with the supposed Demonic spirit that is Zozo?

We'd love to hear it! Drop it in the comments below!


Sep 03, 2021

I only did one ouija board with the ring of protection a candle and everything but nothing at all happened… I was disappointed but after reading these I’m kind of glad? 😅

Pythonissam Black
Pythonissam Black
Sep 03, 2021
Replying to

They can be tricksy! Never underestimate any tool of divination!


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2021

Not to be messed with, on any count. It always seemed to me to be a dangerous toy, rather like giving an infant a loaded gun. (On the other hand, of course, it could just be the Law of Unintended Consequences getting out of control.) There's no doubt in my mind that the Board is a useful, if un-discriminating, instrument. Are there more precise methods you'd recommend?

Pythonissam Black
Pythonissam Black
Sep 03, 2021
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I do agree with you. I feel that these boards can be a conduit for Chaos Energies. But logically speaking, that would also have to apply to other forms of communication too. Perhaps it’s our own psychology going into it that is affecting the results!? Whether we believe in the existence of dark forces or not; there will always be that knowledge of the negative stories that we have been told by others throughout the years. So what if they are just the same as any other device: say a pendulum or tarot cards; but it’s that our subconscious mind is primed and prepped to conjure and create the ‘darkness’ that appears to be called forward by these Ouija sessions!?…

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